Sunday, February 25, 2024

Research Podcast

For this assignment, I selected the Ologies Podcast, by Allie Ward. This podcast is very unique because it is a science based podcast which has a wide ranging, primarily young audience. As we discussed different forms of media within in our study of the Agenda Setting Theory, I thought that Ologies is a unique example of a podcast format. This is because it occupies the role of both horizontal and also vertical media. This is to say, it can cover extremely niche scientific subjects such as the study of crabs in an episode, but also, because of its diverse selection of hundreds of episodes, also aims to appeal to many different people and interests.

Ologies is a top charting podcast, and I believe one of the features that makes it so successful is its accessibility and engageability. The podcast feels very well edited, and in other words, sleek. Even the icon of the podcast which I've included as a photo in this post shows how clean the design is. These features make podcasts feel condensed, but also still information packed. I also find that the host, Allie Ward, has great vocal delivery, and a very expressive voice, which has been shown to increase retention of information by listeners (Carlow, 2021).

Works Cited:

Carlow University. (2021, July 27). Essential practices for anyone who wants to use podcasting as a communication medium. Carlow Today & Tomorrow | Creating a More Just and Merciful World.,them%20to%20receive%20your%20message.

Ward, A. (2024, February 21). Ologies with Alie Ward on Apple Podcasts. Apple Podcasts.

Sunday, February 18, 2024

The Battle For Public Opinion


The Battle For Public Opinion

The internet has become a primary location for heated political, as well as moral debates. This has a few benefits in so far as more people are able to be exposed to conversations involving ethics, and more voices can be represented than in print media. I do however find that the internet can create paces that are confusing, hostile, and which have the effect of isolating the readers that interact with it. This was the case, I believe, with the #meToo movement. While I agree with many of this movement's motivations, I think it ultimately left a lot of people frustrated and confused because the internet is not always the most efficient space for intimate, complex conversations. With that being said, I believe the internet will continue to be at the center of many of these ethical conversations and movements as time goes on. 

Sunday, February 11, 2024

Apple Business Analysis

Apple is an American corporation most known for their technology services and products such as iphones and Macbooks.

  • Does the company do a good job communicating on its website and social media platforms? Provide examples.
I find that Apple's web design is very conducive to online communication.

For example, the above image highlights how clear and sleek the company's product design and advertisement is. This sort of look makes me much more willing to interact with their company online

  • On the company website, what is featured at the top, in the middle, and at the bottom of the home page? Why do you think they have it organized this way? In your opinion, is it effective?
The top shows navigational panels, the middle highlights exciting products, and the bottom has fine print with terms and conditions. I think this works well because the bulk of the webpage is filled with what is interesting to users, but the navigation is still easy to find, and at least terms and conditions are stated.

  • Does the business communicate an identity online? Provide examples.
I would say that Apple communicates an identity of a company that is very put together and intelligent. The all white design makes the webpage feel very organized and smart. The large amount of information on the page also makes Apple seem very professional and well researched.

  • Where could the company improve its online communication?  
While I think that apple has pretty much nailed its online communication, the webpage may benefit from more interactability as far as users being able to ask questions. This would help make the online experience feel more two sided.

Sunday, February 4, 2024

Digital Natives, Digital Immigrants

 This week, I read "The myths of the digital native and the multitasker" by Paul Kirschner, and also Digital Natives, Digital Immigrants by Marc Prensky. In this post, I will be sharing some of my reflections about these readings through answering the following questions:

- According to Prensky, what is the immigrant/native divide, and how has it affected how students learn?

Prensky states that the immigrant native divide is a gap in learning abilities between people or generations who have grown up with the internet (digital natives), and those who have lived without the internet (digital immigrants). Digital immigrants have a harder time reacting to content and educational materials that are digital because they spend so much time and brain power on understanding the internet and technology itself, rather than the material. Digital natives on the other hand, have the opposite problem. While adept with technology, they may struggle with readings and non-digital forms of learning.

What are some other myths Kirschner associated with Prensky's findings from 2001?
Kirschner illustrates that Prensky's findings may be flawed in that being a "digital native", does not necessarily make someone more adept with technology, even if they are more familiar with it. A great example would be the assumption that those more familiar with technology are able to multitask more efficiently, and therefore be more productive. Kirschner points out that this is not just untrue, but that multitasking may also have negative cognitive effects. Overall, I have interpreted Kirschner's piece to suggest that while Presnky's concepts of digital natives and immigrants may be a useful way of thinking or describing our fast-changing world, that these boundaries are not concrete, and people do not always have to fall into just one.

Who knows how education and learning will change in the near future, as technology moves so fast.

Visual Communication Online

 The link to my scholarly article can be found  here  and  here Social semiotics is the study of sign making, and how humans create and assi...