Sunday, March 3, 2024

Toulmin Method

 The Toulmin Method is a very useful concept to consider when negotiating the landscape of online communication. We often find ourselves lost in arguments online, or in the case that we hear of others in arguments online, we may not even know what an argument is about. In these scenarios, the Toulmin Method is a great way of taking a step back, and approach an argument with a more rational outlook. I find that the best first steps for analyzing an online argument are to only consider the three beginning steps of the Toulmin method: the claim, grounds and warrant. In the simplest language, the claim is an assertion that an author makes in an argument, the backing is the information necessary to understand the claim, and the warrant is the information that links the claim and backing together. Once you have identified each of these components in an online argument, you should have a pretty good idea of the substance of the argument itself. The data, qualifier's and rebuttal are the final three parts of the method, and are important for understanding the overall complexities of the argument, and which conclusions different parties reach based on differing opinions.

A great example of an online debate where the Toulmin Method could be useful is the conversation on cancel culture. It is important to establish the background on cancel culture and which different people may make claims regarding its necessity or uselessness. Likewise, it is also important to consider data, and rebuttals to each argument in order to understand the nuances of the conversation. The Toulmin method is essential for breaking down conversations that are more complicated than a simple yes or no, or where there is no definitive answer like in the case of cancel culture. One negative aspect of this method to online communication is that arguments online are often influenced by fake information or "trolling". In these cases, an analytical method will fail because the information provided doesn't actually make any sense. Individuals must consider this and learn to be skeptical online and flexible with their use of the model. Critical thinking is also essential in these cases because it will allow readers of online content to ponder which information is necessary to add the Toulmin Method, and which can be disregarded because it is not as important to the bigger picture of the argument.

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